Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Camp TED Day 5 (I think?)

Hey everyone! It's Hannah here. (Shout out to all my fans back home) Camp has been amazing so far. The talks/sermons during the morning meetings have been answering life's big questions and today's was "Who am I?" The speaker, a hilarious counselor named Jean-Jaque, talked about the different things that made up someone's identity and focused on the fact that every person is loved and cherished by God and made in His image, which should ultimately define us. Before the message, I gave my testimony, which was more of a story about how God has worked in my life in the past year, along with Hugo, one of the French ICers. It was a bit intimidating at first, being on stage and speaking with a translator, but I was not as nervous as I thought I'd be. 
I'm sure the other people that have already blogged have mentioned this, but being at Camp TED with so many other Americans is definitely a different experience. Everyone is so fun to work with and each person adds a uniquely important element to the camp. I feel so blessed to be able to work with the other teams from Chicago and Philly. This is also making the trip more challenging though, as it is now easier to clump with Americans instead of mingling with the French campers as much as we should be. Pray that all of us can keep our hearts and minds focused on our mission of sharing God's love and the Gospel to everyone around us, through both our words and actions.
This blog post is probably a bit all over the place, but so is my train of thought at the moment, and I have to go to dinner soon. I hope all of you are having a wonderful day!
Thank you for reading! 

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